Why it pays to know your partner’s credit score
Nothing unravels a blossoming relationship quite like a bad credit history. Seriously! Ok I know what you’re thinking “yeah right sure, it’s not about how you look or how you come across personality-wise or even if you are a dog or cat person it’s all about your credit report give me a break.” And well that might be true, bear with me. Intimate personal details If you are going on a date it just might be worth checking your credit report – as well as the mirror – before heading out the door. Not convinced? Consider this. As a relationship starts getting serious, most of us will begin to share intimate personal details, our respective dating histories, deepest darkest thoughts and maybe even some plans for a future together. Yet despite this, Finder research shows there’s one particular detail that love birds are reluctant to divulge: their credit score. Credit score You might be wondering “what even IS a credit score ?” Let alone wanting to show it ...